The best fictional characters are the ones we would be friends with if they weren’t so … you know … fictional.Not to say our favorite book-friends are perfect—their shortcomings are what make them intriguing. Their struggles become our struggles, as we hope, page after page, … [Read more...]
Huntington’s Disease and the Friend Who Inspired The Shortest Way Home
I first met Sue Koehler when I was living in Seattle in the mid-1980s. We’d both been in the Jesuit Volunteer Corp—sort of a Catholic City Year—and had jobs working in homeless shelters. Both in need of a roommate, we shared an apartment for 2 years.I soon learned that Sue’s … [Read more...]
Miss Prepared Takes Off Without a Flight Plan
I did something a little crazy recently.Okay, not very crazy for most people, but pretty crazy for me. As a minivan-driving mother of four who doesn’t go anywhere without a first aid kit, an umbrella, snacks, jumper cables, water bottles, ibuprofen, Benadryl and some kind of … [Read more...]
5 Questions for Authors Allison Winn Scotch and Laura Dave
I recently read THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME by Allison Winn Scotch and THE FIRST HUSBAND by Laura Dave, one right after the other, and fully enjoyed them both. What struck me was how each began with a similar premise for the protagonist: a moment in time when suddenly all bets are … [Read more...]