- After drinking a customer’s tequila sunset at the very beginning of the story, Cass is able to stay on the wagon for the rest of the novel, though she does come very close to drinking a couple of times. What do you think makes it possible for her to stay sober?
- How did people who were not actually in the story, such as Ben McGreavy and Cass’s mother, impact the course of events? How does the setting of Wortherton play a role?
- What’s your idea of a stereotypical alcoholic? Were you surprised that a woman like Laurel, who seemed to have a picture perfect life, was so addicted?
- Scott’s focus on his baseball career to the exclusion of almost all else borders on obsession. How does he use baseball to manage the pain that lingers from his abuse as a child?
- Are there any bad habits in your life that you have a hard time stopping even when you know you need to? (For instance, playing online games, shopping for unnecessary items, eating junk food, worrying about things you can’t control, or holding grudges.)
- Are there any positive coping mechanisms that you use? How might some of the Alcoholics Anonymous strategies explored in the story be helpful?
- Why does Patrick want Cass to avoid having romantic relationships for at least six months?
- “Fear and shame, an alcoholic’s constant companions.” Did this sentiment surprise you? How do fear and shame impact people’s behaviors?
- Cass ruminates on how Gilda McGreavy’s grim childhood was similar to Jane Eyre’s. “But cruelty didn’t make her stronger, like Jane. It just made her manipulative and mean.” Why does adversity make some people more compassionate and others more selfish?
- What do you think Scott will do when his baseball career is over? How about Cass—will she complete her degree? What do you think each of them would be good at?
- Just as Cass worries that her alcoholism could cause problems for their relationship in the future, Scott worries that his temper will come between them. If you had any advice to give them, what would it be?
- When would be the right time for them to tell Maggie about her biological father?